There are some scavenger hunts in life that you would just rather take a pass on. Unfortunately, sometimes you have no choice but to participate. It’s a sad reality that many people do not take the time to estate plan leaving it up to their loved ones to figure out where their personal assets information is kept in order to administer the estate.

If you have never experienced this kind of hunt, consider yourself lucky. To those of you that have, my condolences, I truly understand how frustrating and taxing it can be. 

These are the kinds of items that should be made available to the executor of your estate in order to avoid this morbid hunt. If you have a loved one that is getting their estate in order these are the kinds of items you can help them with gathering.

  •  Beneficiary info.
  • Titles and Deeds.
  • Account values and Tax Basis.
  • Business Information and Its Assets.
  • Oil, Gas, and Mineral interest information such as what kind of interest where it is held, and who manages it.

Be sure to check back in on future posts where I will be going over how to lower the costs of estate planning. What are the drivers of higher cost and probate trust administration? How to get organized to lower estate planning costs, and what to review and communicate with your loved ones.