If you need to make a change to your will, and you’ve thought about marking it on the document itself… STOP! You could cause a major problem!
Although a living will can be updated and changed, it is essential to amend it correctly.
Contrary to popular belief, making a change to your will is not limited to the author’s direct discretion. In fact, making an amendment to a will requires the same execution and formalities as the will itself, which includes your estate planning attorney!
Avoiding codicils in a will via marking documents yourself can cause significant issues in probate, and unfortunately could result in the change not being taken into account, or the request being nullified altogether.
Contacting your attorney when you wish to amend your will provides you with legal advice on your unique situation, what type of adjustments would work best for you, or points you in the right direction should it be revoked and replaced entirely.
Are you in need of legal aid in making changes to your will? As an estate planning attorney, I can ensure that there is no room for question in fulfilling your wishes the way you intend. Let’s do this the right way – together!
Thinking of making a change? Let’s do it the right way. Contact our office at
Our team and I are happy to assist you in empowering your legacy and ensure that your wishes are taken care of, the right way!